This is one of the most frequently asked questions from small businesses today, and the answer is simple, so that consumers can find you. Today, more then ever, consumers are turning to the internet to search for local businesses. Gone are the days where consumers picked thru the trusty phone book to find what they needed, then dialed that number in tiny print on the old rotary phone. Now we are in a full swing digital era with information at your fingertips and consumers are loving it!

This trend is here to stay, as technology moves forward so does the consumers’ ability to retrieve information at the click of a button. If your not “online” and your competition is, guess who just got a new customer? Not you! In fact, according to the PEW 87% of Americans are using the internet as of March of 2014. The internet is the best way for consumers to gather information about products, suppliers, locations, etc. In order for your company and your products to be included you’ll need an online presence at the very least. However in the highly competitive market of today, this is not enough. You need a professional looking website that is easy to navigate and highly effective in getting information to your consumers.

Websites are an excellent, cost effective, way of advertising your business. A good website presents the best image of your business, showing off your professionalism and credibility, with pages of full color content available to consumers 24/7, that is eco-friendly and less expensive than printing. Additionally your consumers can obtain complete information about your business in one place, allowing them to take your business seriously. In fact the only thing worse then having no website at all is having one that makes your business look bad.

For information on website design and management contact Online Presence Builders at 888-636-0324 or email us at